Friday, 22 February 2013

English Patient thought 7

The background story has finally unraveled. *SPOILERS AHEAD* The English patient isn't English at all, but rather Almasy, a Hungarian map charterer. His tragic story unfolded with each dosage of morphine that Carvaggio injected within him. The most prominent of which was Madox's death. In the story it stipulated that people should die at a holy place, and Madox shot himself in a church, which should be the most pious place there is. However soon afterwards, it explains that Madox saw the church as a sacrilegious place, so he shot himself, which he saw as a holy deed, there in order to "reholy-tize" the land. If that is even a word... But, you should get the point. The other prominent point was when Almasy said: "Death means you are in the third person." At one point of his flashback, the patient switched from first person to third person narrative ,which I believe, signified a change in attitude and atmosphere of the story. The third-person narrative showed the readers that Almasy has become detached and bold the tragedy in the next flashback. Further more, it also highlighted another interesting point: the English Patient never linked "Almasy" with himself. It was only until later on that the pieces came together and his identity, uncovered.

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