Thursday 4 April 2013

Found Poem

The Island
Found Poem taken from Lord of the Flies by William Golding

The long scar smashed into the jungle; (pg 7)                              
a bath of heat
fledged with palm trees; (pg 10 )
their green feathers hundred feet up in the air;
the open sea dark blue, (pg 10)
behind, the darkness of the forest proper.

Decline of the sun, (pg 39)
allowed a  little coolness to lie under the tree,
a drop of burning gold that slid nearer the sill of a world. (pg 47)

Only a few inches from the humid Earth, (pg 52)
the tree trunks and creepers festooned
There was only the faintest indication of the trail (pg 53)
that was widen enough and trodden enough to be a path,
hardened by an accustomed tread.
The forest opened a little,
beyond was the glitter of the sea. (pg 54)
In the hot air a pair of gaudy butterflies danced around (pg 62)
The sunlight had lifted clear of the open space and withdraw from the sky

By: Michael, Elaine, Patrick and Alex
Music by Alex,
Art by Michael.

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